Do You Know if Your Electrical Outlets Need to Be Replaced?

Signs of Faulty Outlets to Protect the Home 

Many small and seemingly insignificant things in the home can lead to major health and safety risks if they are not properly cared for and maintained. The electrical system of the home is a prime example of this. While most homeowners understand issues with fuse boxes and other major warning signs, the electrical outlets and the wiring behind them are often ignored. It might seem like an innocent enough thing to overlook, a small inconvenience that can be dealt with later, but the truth is electrical writing issues and outlet problems should not be ignored!

Local electrical professionals can help homeowners monitor their systems with routine inspections and maintenance work. But in everyday life, homeowners can also keep tabs on their power outlets and determine if they need electrical outlet replacement. Here are some electrical outlet warning signs no one should ignore and why outlet replacement may be the best option in these situations.

A Power Outlet With a Damaged Cover 

An electrical outlet faceplate or cover is what people can see of the outlet from the outside. It helps protect against accidental shock and forms a barrier between users and the wires that power the outlet. A cover that looks burned, melted, cracked, or otherwise damaged cannot protect as it should and is a safety hazard that should be inspected by an electrician right away.

Over time, it can damage the outlet and lead to even bigger and more expensive problems or safety issues like shock or fire. So, if anyone notices issues with power outlet covers and faceplates, it is time to call the local electrical experts to replace them.

Non-Working Outlets or Outlets Where Plugs Are Loose 

outletIf homeowners have had outlets in the home that are not used because they stopped working for some reason, or maybe some outlets aren’t used because the plugs are loose or fall out of them easily, an electrician should be called. These issues should not be overlooked or downplayed as this can indicate more serious issues behind the faceplate that need repair or replacement. 

Outlets are supposed to work, and plugs are supposed to fit in an outlet without being loose or falling out. When they don't, the underlying issues need to be addressed to prevent additional problems and safety hazards from occurring. 

An Electrical Outlet That Sparks or Feels Hot

electrical outletIt might seem like common sense, but it is worth noting that if sparks are coming from the electrical outlet when it is in use or when something is first plugged in, that is not a good thing. Likewise, outlets that get hot to the touch or plugs that feel hot when unplugged are also signs of issues. 

Both of these situations indicate a serious fire risk and put the entire family in danger. If these signs are noticed from power outlets, an electrical inspection and repair or replacement of the outlet and wiring are needed immediately to ensure home safety. 

About Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air

Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air has been serving Port St. Lucie, FL, and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. They provide upfront pricing, on-time arrival, and 24/7 emergency service. Call them today for electrical outlet repair and replacement in Port St. Lucie, FL.  

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Uncovering Electrical Hazards in Your Home

Electrical safety is a critical aspect of homeownership, yet it's often overlooked until an issue arises. Your home's electrical system, like many others, can hide hidden dangers that, if left unaddressed, may lead to serious problems. In this blog, we'll shine a light on these hidden electrical hazards and offer guidance on how to uncover and mitigate them.

1. Outdated Wiring The wiring in older homes can become outdated, leading to various safety issues. If your home's wiring hasn't been updated in years, it might not be equipped to handle the electrical demands of modern appliances and devices. Signs of outdated wiring include flickering lights, frequently tripped circuit breakers, and discolored outlets.

2. Overloaded Circuits Overloading a circuit can be tempting, especially in homes with limited outlets. However, it's a dangerous practice that can lead to overheating, fires, and electrical system damage. The solution is to distribute the load across different circuits and avoid plugging too many devices into a single outlet or power strip.

3. Faulty Outlets, especially those with loose connections or visible damage, pose a significant risk. They can cause electrical sparks or lead to electrical fires. If you notice any issues with your outlets, it's crucial to have them repaired or replaced promptly.

4. Exposed Wiring Exposed wiring is a common issue, especially in homes with visible cables running along baseboards or ceilings. Exposed wiring can be a tripping hazard and may lead to electrical shocks or fires. Conceal or properly secure exposed wiring to eliminate these risks.

5. Aging Appliances Older appliances may still be functional, but they often lack the safety features found in modern models. These appliances can draw excessive power, overheat, or short-circuit, leading to electrical fires. Consider upgrading to newer, energy-efficient appliances to enhance safety and efficiency.

6. DIY Electrical Work DIY electrical repairs can lead to dangerous consequences. While some tasks are manageable for experienced individuals, more complex jobs should be left to licensed electricians. Mistakes made during DIY electrical work can result in electrical shock, fires, or even structural damage.

electricians at EliteTo uncover hidden electrical hazards and ensure your home's electrical safety, schedule regular professional inspections. The licensed electricians at Elite will identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems.

Electrical hazards may be lurking within your home, putting your safety at risk. By recognizing the signs of outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, faulty outlets, exposed wiring, and aging appliances and avoiding DIY electrical work, you can reduce these risks. Additionally, professional inspections from the Elite team are your safety net, helping you uncover and address hidden electrical dangers. Prioritizing electrical safety not only protects your home but also ensures peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

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Don't Get Burned: How to Prevent Electrical Fires in Your Home

Electrical fires are a scary and often silent threat in many homes. Fortunately, they are largely preventable. In this blog, our Elite electrical experts explore the causes of electrical fires and provide essential tips on how to safeguard your home from this potentially devastating danger.

1. Know the Causes: Before diving into prevention, it's crucial to understand what causes electrical fires. Common culprits include overloaded circuits, frayed or damaged wiring, old and faulty appliances, and DIY electrical work gone wrong. Identifying these potential hazards is the first step in prevention.

2. Unplug and Maintain: One of the simplest ways to prevent electrical fires is to unplug appliances and devices when they're not in use. Additionally, regularly inspect cords and plugs for damage and replace or repair them as needed. A frayed cord can easily spark an electrical fire.

Avoid Overloading Circuits3. Avoid Overloading Circuits: Overloading circuits by plugging too many devices into a single outlet or power strip can lead to overheating and fires. Distribute the load across different circuits and use power strips with surge protection for added safety.

Update Your Wiring4. Update Your Wiring: If you live in an older home, your electrical wiring may be outdated and unsafe. Consider updating your wiring to meet modern safety standards. Signs of outdated wiring include flickering lights, frequent circuit breaker trips, or discolored outlets.

5. Hire a Professional: Electrical work should be left to professionals. DIY electrical projects often result in mistakes that can lead to electrical fires. The licensed electricians at Elite have the knowledge and expertise to handle electrical installations, repairs, and inspections safely.

6. Regular Inspections: Routine electrical inspections by licensed professionals are essential for early hazard detection. These inspections can identify hidden issues and prevent potential electrical fires.

Install Smoke Detectors7. Install Smoke Detectors: Install smoke detectors throughout your home, especially in bedrooms and common areas. Regularly test and maintain them to ensure they function correctly. Smoke detectors provide early warning in case of a fire.

8. Keep Flammable Materials Away: Electrical fires can quickly spread if flammable materials are nearby. Keep curtains, furniture, and other flammable items at a safe distance from electrical outlets and appliances.

9. Invest in Surge Protectors: Surge protectors prevent voltage spikes that can cause electrical fires. Use surge protectors for sensitive electronics and appliances to safeguard them from power surges.

10. Educate Your Family: Educate your family members, especially children, about electrical safety. Teach them not to overload outlets, never play with electrical outlets, and know what to do in case of an electrical fire.

Preventing electrical fires in your home is largely a matter of awareness and responsible usage. By knowing the causes of electrical fires and implementing safety measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of this potentially devastating hazard. Regular maintenance, updates, and professional inspections are the keys to electrical safety and keeping your home and loved ones protected. When it comes to electrical safety, We Are Always Here For You.

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Safety First: Avoid Electrical Fires With These 4 Tips

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and festive decorations. However, it's also a season when the risk of electrical fires can increase. To ensure that your holiday celebrations are filled with happiness and not marred by disasters, it's essential to prioritize electrical fire prevention.

What Causes Electrical Fires?

Electrical fires during the holidays can have various causes. Overloaded outlets, damaged wiring, misused extension cords, dried-out trees and greenery, and inexpensive decorative lighting are common culprits. With holiday lights, decorations, and electronic gifts in abundance, overloading electrical outlets and circuits is a frequent cause of electrical fires. Moreover, old or damaged wiring can become a fire hazard when exposed to increased electrical loads from holiday lighting and devices.

How Can I Keep My Home Safe?

electrical inspection To keep your home safe during the holiday season, you should take several precautions. Start by having a qualified electrician inspect your home's electrical system, including outlets, wiring, and the circuit breaker. This inspection ensures that your electrical system is in top-notch condition and can safely handle the increased demand during the holidays.

Protective Measures

avoid overloading outlets Avoid overloading outlets by using surge protectors and limiting the number of devices plugged into each one. Quality extension cords that are properly rated for their intended use should be used for holiday decorations, and daisy-chaining multiple cords together should be avoided. Inspect your decorative lights for safety certifications and ensure they are in good condition before use.

Greenery and Decor

turn off holiday lights If you opt for real trees or greenery, keep them well-watered to reduce the risk of ignition. Always turn off holiday lights and decorations when you leave the house or go to bed. Ensure your home is equipped with working smoke alarms on every level, and test them regularly. Lastly, have an emergency plan in place, including a fire extinguisher and knowledge of how to use it, as well as evacuation procedures.

By following these electrical fire prevention tips, you can enjoy the holidays with the peace of mind that your home is safe. The gift of safety is one of the most precious you can give to your loved ones during this special time of year. Our Elite team is here to provide in-depth inspections to ensure your home is prepared for the extra strain the holidays bring.

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How to Prevent an Electrical Scare This Halloween

Tips to Avoid Electrical Problems While Decorating for Halloween and the Holidays

Though Thanksgiving is the official start of the holiday season, Halloween is the unofficial start where outdoor lighting and decor start. Whether it’s string lighting or flashing lanterns, homeowners frequently use more electricity for decorations from now until the end of the year. To avoid electrical hazards while decorating, here are a few tips to help keep the neighborhood safe.

Use Safe Holiday Decorations

How decorations are used and the condition of the decorations matter significantly for safety. Checking the cords and wiring is essential before hanging or using electric holiday decor and lights. Frayed or damaged ones are considered a safety hazard and should not be used. 

Homeowners should always avoid using staple guns and nails to hang holiday lights and electric decorations. These can cut into the cords and damage the wiring, creating a potential fire hazard. Draping lights along designated hooks is much more safe. Additionally, homeowners should be careful that outside holiday decorations and lights are meant for outdoor use since rain and the elements are a factor. 

Decorate Safely for the Holidays 

outletDecorating homes with lights and other electrical decor during Halloween and the holidays is a fun tradition, but it's important to remember the potential dangers of overloading outlets. Most overloaded circuits are caused by trying to draw too much power from a single outlet, which can lead to overheating and even fires.

The best way to avoid overloading outlets is by spreading out the power draw. This means plugging devices into different outlets and not relying on just one outlet or circuit to power all the holiday lights and decorations. If homeowners find that all the holiday decorations are causing an overload on a single outlet or circuit, it's time to relocate some of them. Spread the power draw by plugging in lights and decor into different outlets to reach other circuits. It may require some extra effort, but it's worth it for the home's safety.

Some Signs Electrical Repair May Be Necessary

 breaker tripsIn addition to checking the cords and wires and decorating for the holidays safely, homeowners should be aware of signs they need electrical service to keep their homes safe this Halloween and beyond. Electrical repairs are an essential aspect of maintaining a safe and functional home. It is crucial to pay attention to any signs that indicate potential electrical problems, as they can quickly escalate into dangerous situations if left unaddressed.

Some common signs electrical repair may be needed are if homeowners notice lights flickering or becoming dim, damaged, cracked, or charred outlets, breakers or fuses are constantly tripping or blowing, or a burning smell. A trained electrician can resolve the problem causing these symptoms and improve home safety so homeowners don’t have to be worried about an electrical scare this Halloween. 

About Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air

Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air has more than 30 years of expertise serving Port St. Lucie and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing, on-time arrival, and 24/7 emergency service. Call them today for electrical services in Port St. Lucie, FL

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Three Signs That an Electrical Panel Needs to Be Inspected by Professionals

Is Your Electrical Panel Failing?

Electrical panels are essential for ensuring the safety of a home. They provide the necessary protection against fire, damaged electronics, and other hazards associated with electricity. A well-functioning panel is also important for the optimization of electricity usage in the home. 

Electrical panels can help to prevent damage to electrical devices and the home by tripping the circuit breakers when the circuit is overloaded. However, a malfunctioning electrical panel cannot provide the same protection, so it’s important to get them serviced by an electrician. This blog will share some signs of a faulty electrical panel in need of repair or replacement to alert homeowners when to call professionals. 

Dim or Flickering Lights

lightIf homeowners notice that some of the lights in their homes are flickering or not as bright as they used to be, it is important to assess what could be causing the issue. In many cases, this problem can be solved by replacing an old lightbulb with a new one. However, it could also indicate a larger problem within the electrical system of the home.

If the flicking and decreased brightness are happening for multiple different lights in the home or if the lights begin to dim or flicker when another appliance is plugged in, it could be a sign of an issue with the electrical panel. This problem can occur when too many appliances are drawing power from the same circuit, meaning that certain appliances may be using more power than can be provided by the circuit it’s on.

Burning Smell 

When homeowners smell something burning, particularly if it comes from the electrical panel, it is never a good sign. This usually means that the electrical panel is overheating, arcing, or experiencing an electrical malfunction, most likely caused by overloaded circuits, old components, or defective wiring. 

In cases like this, the circuit breaker may have to be replaced since it can no longer handle the power requirements of the home, and allowing it to continue as is, could lead to serious problems, like the possibility of an electrical fire. A burning smell should be taken as an urgent warning that the existing panel is no longer safe and that a qualified electrician must be called in to handle the problem immediately.

The Electrical Panel is Old and Outdated

panelWhile homeowners may be happy to know that a standard electrical panel is built to last, most professionals agree that 25 to 40 years is the average lifespan of a panel before it becomes old enough to be considered obsolete and should be replaced to adhere to current safety standards. Electrical panels should also be inspected as a part of routine electrical system inspections to ensure it’s in good condition. 

Most homeowners probably won’t have to upgrade their electrical panel more than a handful of times in their lives, but for those who are moving into older homes, it is imperative to check the age of the panel. If a home is over 20 years old and has an original electrical panel that has never been replaced, it typically needs to be upgraded. Doing so will give homeowners the peace of mind of knowing that their homes are powered safely by an electrical panel that can handle their modern appliances.

About Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air

Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air has over three decades of experience serving Port St. Lucie, FL, and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing, emergency service, and personal attention. Call them today for electrical panel repair and installation services in Port St. Lucie, FL.

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Avoid the "Pinch" of Rising Electrical Bills This St. Patrick's Day

Three Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Planning a St. Patrick’s Day celebration is relatively easy. All anybody must do is deck themselves in green. And while going green on St. Patty’s Day may be one of the easiest things to do this month, the same should be true about greening up the home's electrical use and making it more eco-friendly. 

If caring for the environment while saving on electricity costs is the name of the game, then there’s no need to look further than the following paragraphs. This blog will share three easy ways to go green and make the home more energy efficient on St. Patrick’s Day.

Maximize the Use of a Ceiling Fan

fanHomes that have ceiling fans installed have a leg up on savings. If used correctly, these fans can help HVAC systems run more efficiently by helping to circulate air in the room. It is easy to see how this works in the summertime. If the ceiling fan is set to turn counterclockwise, then it will create a downdraft, which is responsible for pushing cool air down and helping to augment the air conditioning system. 

In the winter, homeowners can achieve a similar but opposite effect. Reversing the direction of the fan’s spin will create an updraft, which should suck the cool air up and push down warmer air, a simple yet effective way of reducing the burden of heating a room on a home’s heating system.

If Not in Use, Turn it Off

lightAnyone who has ever been hounded by their parents to turn the lights off after leaving a room may not want to hear this, but that is still considered sound advice when it comes to energy savings and bill reduction. Making this minor but conscious adjustment in daily life can have a compounding effect on the environment and a homeowner’s wallet.

Turning off lights and unplugging appliances that are not being used or opting to use natural light is cost-effective in more ways than one. This simple act can save money by reducing electric bills. It can also show up as savings in replacing light bulbs, which usually last longer and therefore do not need to be replaced as often if used prudently.

Make the Switch to LED Lights

Most light fixtures now run on LED lights for a good reason. LEDs are the most efficient lightbulbs available in the market today. LEDs are a whopping 75% more efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs, while CFLs fare a bit better at 25% efficiency. 

These percentages are eye-popping and may seem too good to be true, but with a lifespan of 25,000 hours, LED lights offer significant savings for homeowners without sacrificing quality. With incandescent bulbs only making it to 1,000 hours and CFLs up to 10,000, LED is the clear winner for its ability to produce more light on less power, making them the best choice for lighting up the modern home.

About Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air

Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air has over 30 years of experience serving Port St. Lucie, FL residents, and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing, 24/7 emergency service, and on-time arrivals. Call them today for indoor lighting or ceiling fan installation and repair in Port St. Lucie, FL.

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How to Tell When It's Time to Replace Your Electrical Panel

If you own a home, you know how important it is to have a reliable electrical system. Your electrical panel is the central hub of your electrical system and is responsible for distributing electricity throughout your home. It’s vital that your electrical panel is up-to-date and functioning correctly to ensure the safety of your family and your home. However, it can be difficult to determine when it’s time to replace your electrical panel. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with useful tips and information to help you identify when it’s time.

Flickering or Dimming Lights

flickering lightsIf your lights are flickering or dimming, it could be a sign that your electrical panel needs to be replaced. Flickering lights can be caused by several issues, including a faulty breaker, overloaded circuits, and outdated wiring. If you have multiple light bulbs flickering in the same room, this is a sure sign that your electrical panel needs to be upgraded. Flickering and dimming lights could also indicate an overloaded circuit, which is when too many appliances or electronics are plugged into one outlet. This can cause the power to fluctuate and the lights to flicker. If this is the case, you will need to move some of your electronics to other outlets in order to prevent further damage to your electrical system.

Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips

If your circuit breaker is tripping frequently, this could be a sign that it's time to replace your electrical panel. Circuit breakers are designed to protect your home’s electrical system from overloads and shorts. If your circuit breaker trips repeatedly, it could be because it is overburdened, or you have a wiring issue in the home. This can cause a serious safety hazard, as it could lead to electrical fires. When you have a circuit breaker that is tripping too often, you should investigate why it is happening. Is there an appliance on the same circuit that is drawing too much power? Are the other devices in the house properly grounded and connected to the circuit breaker? If any of these questions cannot be answered or fixed, then you should consider replacing the electrical panel altogether. A professional electrician will be able to help you determine if this is the best solution.

Discoloration on Outlets or Switches

discolorationOne of the most obvious signs that your electrical panel needs to be replaced is discoloration on outlets or switches. If you notice any darkening, scorch marks, or even burning smells near outlets or switches, this could be a sign that there is an electrical overload in the system. In these cases, it’s important to shut off power to the affected area immediately and call an electrician to inspect and replace the panel if necessary. This can prevent a potentially hazardous situation from occurring. It’s important to note that some discoloration may be natural over time, as wires and other parts in the panel age and wear down. If this is the case, your electrician should be able to identify it and explain why it’s not an issue. However, if there is any additional discoloration that appears suspicious, it’s best to err on the side of caution and have it checked out right away.

Humming or Crackling Sounds From the Electrical Panel

If you ever hear a humming or crackling noise coming from your electrical panel, it could be a sign that it’s time to replace your electrical panel. This could mean that something is wrong with the wiring or connections inside the panel, and it’s not able to properly support the load it was designed for. Humming can be caused by improper wiring, loose connections, or corrosion within the panel while crackling noises are usually a result of loose connections or high levels of current running through the system. If you notice these sounds when you turn on an appliance or flip a light switch, you should have a licensed electrician inspect the panel right away. In many cases, an old or outdated panel may need to be replaced in order to ensure your home’s electrical system is safe and functioning correctly.

Burning Smells Near the Electrical Panel

burning smellIf you notice a burning smell near your electrical panel, it could be a sign that it is time to replace it. This could be caused by either overloaded circuits or faulty wiring. If the burning smell is accompanied by sparking or smoke, it is an indication of a dangerous situation and you should turn off the power immediately. When the power is off, it is important to inspect the electrical panel carefully for signs of overheating, such as discoloration on the metal panels or wires, melted insulation, charred components, or even burned plastic. It is always best to contact a professional electrician in this situation, as they will be able to assess the situation and advise on the best course of action. In some cases, it may be possible to repair the existing electrical panel and avoid replacing it altogether. However, if the damage is extensive, it is likely to be more cost-effective in the long run to replace the entire panel. This will ensure that all of the wiring and components are up to current safety standards and reduce the risk of fire or other hazardous situations in the future.

Older Homes With Outdated Electrical Panels

outdated panelIf you live in an older home, it is likely that your electrical panel is outdated. Electrical panels that were installed before the mid-1990s may not be able to handle the power demands of today's homes. Outdated electrical panels can be dangerous, as they are more prone to overload and fire. If your home was built before the mid-1990s, you should strongly consider replacing the electrical panel. When replacing an old electrical panel, it is important to make sure that the new one is designed to meet the current power needs of your home. It is also important to ensure that the new panel is installed by a qualified electrician who is familiar with the specific requirements of your home. Installing an old panel can be dangerous and can potentially result in fire or electrical shock. If you are unsure whether your home has an outdated electrical panel, contact a qualified electrician who can inspect your system and provide advice on whether or not you should replace it. Replacing your electrical panel is an investment in your safety and should not be taken lightly. By following the advice of a qualified professional, you can ensure that your home is safe and up to code.

It’s important to recognize the signs that it’s time to replace your electrical panel. From flickering or dimming lights to frequent breaker trips, these telltale signs can help you identify potential problems with your electrical system. If you think it’s time to upgrade your electrical panel, make sure you get a qualified electrician to do the job safely and correctly. At Elite, our team has the expertise to identify if an electrical panel replacement is necessary and the experience to install it quickly and correctly. Contact Elite today for an assessment and free estimate of your next electrical project!

Electrical Basics for Back to School: A Guide

The Essentials of Home Electricity

Having an electrical grid is part of what defines the US as a first-world country. These days, it is essential, especially as the demand for “work from home” increases. People cannot function without it, yet it is a mystery to most.

Everyone knows that the light comes on when they flip a switch, but they may not know why. Electricity is energy produced by charged particles. In a home, energy moves through wires, and switches and plugs are used to create a circuit or a continuously flowing circle of connection for the electricity.

Defining the Parts of the Electrical System

electric meterWhile most people can recognize a switch or an outlet, they may not be aware of some of the other parts of the electrical system in the home. Below is a breakdown of main major components of a residential electrical setup:

  • Electric Meter: The electric meter is the mechanism that measures the amount of electricity that goes through it. The electrical wires from the municipal power grid (underground or overhead) connect to the house through the electric meter.
  • Disconnect Switch: This switch cuts power to the entire home. This switch is usually part of the breaker panel but can be separate from it.
  • Breaker Panel: The home’s electrical panel is where the electricity from the supply lines is divided into various circuits throughout the house. Switches control each circuit and are often labeled by room or by the appliance they service.
  • Outlets: Also called receptacles, electrical outlets have hot and neutral wires. When something is plugged in, the electricity passes from the hot wire through the machine (for example, a hairdryer), turning it on. The electricity then flows through the plug’s second wire and back into the neutral wire of the outlet, thus creating a circuit.
  • Switches: Switches are used to interrupt a circuit from the breaker box to (usually) a light of some kind. Switches come in many different styles, including dimmers and knob switches.

Warning Signs of Electrical Problems

burning plastic smellIf a homeowner is concerned about the age of wiring or electrical problems in general, there are a few indicators to look for that demonstrate a problem with the electrical wiring. If wiring is older, it may not be up to code, as the rules for electrical repairs change as technology improves. Having a consultation with an electrician about these concerns is never a bad idea.

If a homeowner notices any of these things, they should seek out a professional sooner rather than later:

Be Safe and Call an Electrician About Electrical Repairs

Electricity is a fantastic tool, but it can be very dangerous, especially to someone who is not trained. Electrical safety is paramount in preventing the worst, including fire and electric shock. A homeowner should not do electrical work because they don’t have the proper training. Hiring a professional electrician costs less than someone’s life.

About Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air

After serving Port St. Lucie, FL, and the surrounding communities for more than 30 years, Elite Electric, Plumbing & Air has been named best of HomeAdvisor in 2021 and is accredited by the BBB and NATE. They offer same-day service, courteous technicians, and straightforward pricing. Call them today for electrical services in Port St. Lucie, FL.

Time To Go Back to School With Electrical 101

Learning Electrical System Basics

The end of summer is nearing, which means many kids, teenagers, and college students around the country are heading back to school. And what better time to celebrate the return to school than having a personalized mini-class on the basics of electrical systems! Sure, it might sound a bit dry, but having a thorough understanding of Electrical 101 can be a huge help down the road.

Homeowners and their families should learn about the primary components of their electrical systems, how they function, and things to watch out for. They should also understand why hiring professionals is always the way to go when it comes to caring for their electrical systems. Continue reading for all of this information and more!

Wiring and Outlets


Let’s begin with a simple overview of wiring and outlets, as these are some of the most important components of home electrical systems. Electrical wiring involves cabling that connects with various devices like sockets, switches, distribution boards, and more. Electrical outlets are openings that connect to a power source via these wires.

There are typically extensive wires and outlets that run throughout the home, as many things depend on electricity (just think of how many lights can be found in a single room!). The electrical wiring and outlets may require various professional services, such as installation, faulty wiring, physical damage to any part of the electrical system, and more.

Outdoor Wiring and Lighting

Outdoor wiring and lighting are particularly important to understand, as outdoor parts of the system can be very different from indoor parts. At a base level, the types of lights used outdoors must be able to withstand temperature changes that many indoor lights do not need. After all, the temperature swings indoors are usually just a few degrees, compared to dozens of degrees outdoors!

In addition, there are electrical services catered specifically toward outdoor needs, such as services for outdoor lighting, pool wiring, and more. Outdoor electrical work generally has more variability. For example, the wiring in a pool needs to be such that there is no risk of electrocution since water is highly conductive. While homeowners can try to do outdoor lighting work on their own (or indoors too, for that matter), it is always best to seek professional help.

Be Sure To Hire a Professional

electricianAt the end of the day, electrical work should always be taken care of by an experienced, trained professional. Amateur electrical work is extremely dangerous, and it can be potentially lethal as well, depending on the situation. Electrocution is a significant danger that can occur if the electrical system is not handled properly.

Even if someone does not get electrocuted, amateur work can result in faulty wiring and other rookie mistakes that could prove hazardous to the entire home and everyone inside. Hiring professionals is smart, as many have years or even decades of experience in responsibly, efficiently, and safely handling home electrical systems.

About Elite Electric & Air

Elite Electric & Air of Port St. Lucie, FL, is a full-service electrical company that believes in providing top-notch services at reasonable prices. Their team of expert electricians provides tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each and every one of their customers. Call them for 24/7 electrical help in Port St. Lucie today!