Signs You Need a Tune-Up Before Summer Hits Florida

Florida's vibrant life comes with a price: scorching summers that test the limits of even the most resilient air conditioner. As the sunshine state gears up for another sweltering season, it's crucial to ensure your AC is in top shape. But how do you know if your trusty AC needs a little TLC before the heat arrives? Here are some warning signs that your AC might be on the brink and desperately needs a tune-up:

what are you experiencing1. What Are You Experiencing? Feeling a blast of unexpected coolness? It might seem pleasant at first, but it's a sign your AC is overworking itself. This can happen due to clogged coils or a malfunctioning refrigerant system. A tune-up can identify these issues and prevent your AC from freezing up completely, leaving you in a hot mess.

2. What Does It Feel Like? Is your AC running constantly, but the air coming out of the vents feels lukewarm instead of refreshingly cool? This indicates your AC is struggling to keep up. A tune-up can diagnose the culprit, whether it's dirty air filters, low refrigerant levels, or a malfunctioning compressor.

what does it sound like3. What Does It Sound Like? A well-maintained AC should produce a low hum. If yours is screeching, grinding, or rattling, it's a distress call! These unusual noises could indicate loose components, failing motors, or a refrigerant leak. A tune-up can identify the source of the racket and prevent minor problems from snowballing into expensive repairs.

4. Are There Unpleasant Odors? Nobody enjoys musty or unpleasant odors wafting from their vents. This could be a sign of mold growth or mildew within the AC unit, which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems. A tune-up includes cleaning the system and identifying potential moisture problems that could be breeding grounds for these unwelcome guests.

are your bills on the rise5. Are Your Bills On The Rise? Has your energy bill taken a mysterious jump? An inefficient AC system has to work harder to cool your home, leading to increased energy consumption and higher electricity bills. A tune-up can optimize your AC's performance, reducing energy usage and keeping your wallet happy.

Don't wait for a complete breakdown to address these warning signs! Schedule your Elite AC Tune-Up today. It's a small investment that can ensure a cool, comfortable, and cost-effective summer for you and your family. Remember, a little preventative maintenance goes a long way in keeping your AC happy and your Florida home a haven from the heat.

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5 Ways a Tune-Up Can Save You Money on Your Florida Energy Bill

Florida's scorching summers put a strain on your wallet, thanks to skyrocketing energy bills. But before you resign yourself to a sweltering summer or a budget-busting electric bill, consider the power of a simple AC tune-up. Our Elite professionals break down the top 5 ways you can save with your yearly tune-up:

Increased Efficiency

increased efficiencyOver time, your AC accumulates dust and grime, making it work harder to cool your home. A tune-up includes cleaning these components, allowing your AC to function smoothly and efficiently. Just like a car that runs better on clean fuel, a clean AC uses less energy to achieve the same cooling effect. This translates directly to lower energy bills.

Catching Problems Early

catching problems earlyJust like any machine, your AC can develop minor issues over time. A tune-up allows a technician to identify these problems before they become major failures. Fixing a small problem early on is significantly cheaper than dealing with a catastrophic breakdown in the middle of summer.

Extended AC Lifespan

Regular tune-ups are like giving your AC a health check. By addressing minor issues and keeping the system clean, you're extending its lifespan. This saves you money in the long run, as you won't need to replace your entire AC unit as soon.

Improved Comfort

A neglected AC system might not cool your home evenly, leading to hot and cold spots. A tune-up ensures even airflow and optimal cooling throughout your home, keeping you comfortable and eliminating the need to constantly adjust the thermostat, which can further increase energy usage.

Peace of Mind

peace of mindKnowing your AC is in top shape provides peace of mind, especially during Florida's sweltering summers. You won't have to worry about sudden breakdowns or the discomfort of a malfunctioning system.

Investing in a tune-up is an investment in your comfort and your wallet. Don't wait until the Florida heat arrives and your AC throws in the towel. Schedule a tune-up with the Elite team today and enjoy a cool, comfortable, and cost-effective summer!

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Battling Humidity: The Challenge of Mold, Mildew, and Bacteria in Florida Homes

Florida's tropical climate, with its high humidity levels and warm temperatures, offers a paradise for many. However, it also presents a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining indoor air quality. The Sunshine State is notorious for mold, mildew, and bacteria growth, primarily in spaces like attics where the ductwork is often located. In this blog, we'll delve into the issues caused by humidity and the use of blue high-efficiency ductwork in Florida and explore ways to combat these indoor air quality challenges.

Florida's Humidity and Indoor Air Quality

Florida's climate is characterized by high humidity levels throughout the year. The state's subtropical and tropical zones experience warm temperatures and abundant moisture, creating the ideal conditions for mold and mildew to flourish in your home’s ducts. The combination of heat and humidity creates a breeding ground for these unwelcome guests and bacteria in our homes.

The Attic Conundrum

The Attic ConundrumOne significant issue in Florida homes is the location of the ductwork in the attic. While blue high-efficiency ductwork helps prevent microbial growth within the ducts, there is more homeowners can do to reduce the risk of mold and mildew growing within their attic space. Attics are often dark, humid, and poorly ventilated spaces, making them a perfect home for these unwanted guests.

Mold and Your Health

Mold and Your HealthMold in the home can have a profound and detrimental impact on your health. When mold spores are present and become airborne, they can be inhaled, potentially leading to a range of health issues. Common symptoms of mold exposure include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, and throat irritation, which can often be mistaken for seasonal allergies. However, mold exposure can also trigger more severe reactions in individuals with allergies or compromised immune systems, causing wheezing, skin rashes, and even severe respiratory conditions like asthma.

Prolonged exposure to mold has been associated with a host of health problems, from chronic sinus infections to fatigue, headaches, and, in extreme cases, neurological and cognitive issues. Additionally, some molds produce mycotoxins, which, when ingested or inhaled, can lead to serious health complications. Thus, addressing and preventing mold growth in your home is crucial for safeguarding your well-being and ensuring a healthy indoor environment.

IAQ Solutions

IAQ SolutionsTo combat the ongoing battle with mold, mildew, and bacteria, Floridians often turn to high-efficiency ductwork with a unique feature - antimicrobial powers. The blue color signifies that the ductwork is specially designed to resist microbial growth and inhibit the spread of mold and bacteria.

The blue high-efficiency ductwork’s superpowers come from the antimicrobial coating that helps deter the development of mold and mildew. This antimicrobial treatment can be a game-changer for Florida homeowners.

Florida's high humidity levels can make the battle against mold, mildew, and bacteria a continuous struggle. While Elite’s blue high-efficiency ductwork can help mitigate these issues within your HVAC system, it's essential to address the attic environment as well. With proper ventilation, insulation, and regular maintenance, you can create a healthier indoor environment for your family, ensuring that the beautiful Florida weather remains a source of joy, not indoor air quality woes. Our Elite experts are on your side in the fight for better-quality air.

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5 Ways to Prepare Your Florida Home Now for Hurricane Season

As the summer months approach, it is important to be prepared for potential hurricanes in Florida. Having the proper precautions in place can help protect you, your family, and your home from the possible destruction of a hurricane. In this blog post, we will explore five ways that you can prepare your Florida home now for the season ahead. From securing your roof to stocking up on supplies, these tips can help keep you and your family safe when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

1) Inspect Your Home

When hurricane season rolls around, it’s important to make sure your home is ready for whatever the storms might bring. One of the best ways to do that is to inspect your home and make any repairs needed before the storms arrive. Start by walking around the outside of your house and checking for any damage, like loose or missing shingles, cracked windows, or signs of deterioration. Additionally, check that your gutters are clear and in good condition to prevent water damage. Inside your house, check that all doors and windows will securely shut and lock. Install storm shutters or coverings on windows if you don’t have them already, and ensure that all window and door seals are tight and secure. Check the weather stripping and thresholds of your exterior doors to make sure they are in good condition. Finally, check that all vents are closed and sealed properly, and make sure you have enough supplies, like sandbags, to protect your home in case of flooding. Taking the time to inspect your home now can save you a lot of headaches during hurricane season.

2) Install A Generator

install a generatorFlorida is located in a region that is frequently impacted by hurricanes, which can cause widespread power outages that can last for days or even weeks. Elite is here with the solution you need during this unpredictable time: a whole-home generator. Our team of trained technicians will ensure that they install the correct generator for your home’s needs so that you can enjoy the many benefits:

  • Maintain Power During Outages: A generator can help you maintain power during a hurricane-related power outage, allowing you to keep important appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units running.
  • Protection of Property: A generator can help protect your property from damage caused by power outages, such as spoiled food and flooded basements caused by sump pumps that stop working.
  • Safety: A generator can help ensure your safety during a hurricane by keeping lights on, allowing you to see and move around your home more easily. It can also power medical equipment for those who require it.
  • Resale Value: Installing a generator can increase the resale value of your home, as it is a desirable feature for potential buyers.

Overall, installing a generator can help provide peace of mind during hurricane season and ensure that your home and family are protected during power outages.

3) Clear Debris From Your Yard

clear debrisOne of the most important things you can do to protect your Florida home from hurricane season is to clear debris from your yard. Make sure you inspect your property and remove any loose objects like branches, leaves, or lawn furniture that could become a hazard in high winds. If you have any large trees near your home, consider having them trimmed by an arborist or removed completely to reduce the risk of potential damage during a storm. You may also want to look into installing additional drainage systems or consider raising flower beds and other landscaping features to create better runoff patterns away from your house. Taking these steps now will help ensure your home is more prepared for the upcoming hurricane season.

4) Stock Up On Supplies

stock up on suppliesHaving supplies ready is an important part of preparing your Florida home for hurricane season. Make sure you have enough non-perishable food, water, and medication to last your family at least a week. Also, consider buying items like batteries, flashlights, candles, and a first-aid kit. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, make sure you have sandbags and other items to protect your home from water damage. Additionally, if you rely on electricity for medical equipment or special needs, make sure to have backup generators or other power sources that will keep you safe during power outages. Finally, don’t forget to gather important documents, such as passports, insurance policies, and birth certificates, so you can have them on hand in case you need to evacuate.

5) Have An Evacuation Plan

hurricane evacuation routeWhen hurricane season hits, you may have to evacuate your Florida home to stay safe. In the face of a major storm, it’s important to have an evacuation plan ready. Start by gathering information on the evacuation routes and designated shelters in your area. Make sure you know the route you will take in case of an emergency. Also, create a contact list of friends and family members who live in different areas that you can reach out to for assistance. Additionally, make sure to keep important documents and valuables such as identification, insurance policies, and money in a waterproof bag that you can grab quickly if you need to evacuate. Knowing where these items are ahead of time will save you a lot of hassle if you need to leave. It’s also important to have a checklist of all the items you need for an evacuation, such as food, water, clothing, and medications. Finally, be sure to let others know your evacuation plans before the storm hits. Having your plan communicated with family and friends can help ensure everyone’s safety in case of an emergency. Remember: when it comes to hurricane season, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

With these steps, you can be prepared for anything Florida weather throws your way. Our team at Elite is here to help kick off your hurricane preparation this season by ensuring your generator runs in tip-top shape with regular maintenance and options for a replacement that better suits your home and needs.

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5 Tips to Save on Cooling Costs While Keeping Your Florida Home Comfortable

As the summer months approach and temperatures start to rise in Florida, it becomes increasingly important to keep your home cool, comfortable, and safe. It's no secret that Florida has some of the highest monthly utility costs in the country, so if you're looking for ways to save on cooling costs while still maintaining a pleasant temperature in your home, then this blog post is for you! We have compiled a list of five tips that you can use this summer to save money while keeping your home comfortable. Read on to learn more about each tip and how to ensure your home stays cool and comfortable without breaking the bank.

1) Replace your aging HVAC system.

aging AC systemIf your air conditioning system is more than ten years old, it may be time to consider replacing it with a more efficient model. When considering a new system, look for one with an Energy Star label. These models are designed to run more efficiently than traditional systems and can help you save significantly on energy bills. Additionally, it may also be worth investing in a programmable thermostat, which can help you regulate the temperature in your home and reduce your energy consumption even further. This combination of equipment is optimal for providing the most comfort while using the least amount of energy, which saves you money in the long run. Installing a new HVAC system can be a significant expense, so be sure to look into energy efficiency tax credits or other incentives available in your area to help offset the cost. Ultimately, replacing your aging HVAC system is the best way to save money and make sure your home remains comfortable all summer long.

2) Use ceiling fans.

install ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are an easy and cost-effective way to circulate cool air throughout your home. When used properly, ceiling fans can make a room feel up to 8 degrees cooler. During the summer months, make sure to run your ceiling fans in a counterclockwise direction to push cool air down. Ceiling fans use very little energy to do the job, so you can save on energy costs while still keeping your home comfortable. Used in combination with your HVAC system, you can maximize your home’s comfort and get the most out of your AC for the upcoming summer season.

3) Close off unused rooms.

close unused roomsIf you have a room in your home that isn’t used often, it is best to close off the vents in those rooms. You can also close off the door or windows in that room. This will help keep cool air from escaping into that room and ensure that your HVAC system only focuses on cooling the rooms you are using. This can make a noticeable difference in your home’s cooling costs. Additionally, if the room has a window, you can install insulation to keep the cool air inside. In conclusion, closing off unused rooms is an easy and cost-effective way to save money on your cooling costs while keeping your home comfortable. Make sure to check all the rooms in your house and prioritize only cooling the ones you use most.

4) Use window treatments.

window treatment

Window treatments can be an effective and cost-saving way to reduce the cooling required in your home. You can help keep your home cooler during the hot summer months by installing blinds, curtains, and shades. Dark-colored window treatments can absorb more heat than light-colored treatments, helping to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. You should also consider investing in window treatments with insulating properties. These products are designed to help keep the warm air outside while blocking out ultraviolet rays that can damage furniture and flooring inside the home. Finally, make sure to close the window treatments during the day when the sun is strongest, and keep them open when temperatures drop at night.

5) Set your thermostat.

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable while saving on cooling costs, setting your thermostat to no more than 10-15 degrees cooler than the outside temperature is a good place to start. When setting your thermostat, remember that 78 degrees are the general recommendation. Depending on the climate in your area, it may be necessary to adjust the temperature. In the summer months, 78 degrees may not be cool enough to keep your Florida home comfortable. If it is very hot outside, try to keep the inside of your home at least 10-15 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. This will help keep your house cool and minimize the strain on your air conditioner. You can also use a programmable thermostat to help regulate your home's temperature. A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperatures for different times of the day so that you can keep your home cooler during the day and warmer at night. This will help you save energy and money over time.

Fighting the summer heat is no easy task, but preparation is key. Planning and purchasing a new HVAC system, installing ceiling fans and window treatments, and adjusting your thermostat ahead of time will help keep your home comfortable while saving you money all season long. Our Elite team is here to help - we offer solutions that will fit the needs of your home without breaking the bank.

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